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Shorts Embroidery Diy
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Visible Mending: Artful Stitchery to Repair and Refresh Your Favorite Things
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Easy Embroidery
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DIY Fashion with JOANN

Learn how to embroider any design on clothing by hand, without messing up with this simple DIY hack that will make even DIY newbies look like pros. So easy.

Easy DIY Embroidered Jeans/Jean Shorts from Mallory Makes Things

Keeping with the July Fourth DIY ideas, I wanted to share a quick project that is not just perfect for July Fourth, but any time of year. These embroidered firework jean shorts are a subtle

Because who doesn’t have a favourite pair of Jeans waiting to be glammed up? I am one of those people that don’t find a pair of jeans they love that easily. In the summer i tend to wear dresses and skirts, so really the only time for me to wear Jeans is in the Autumn and Spring Now i know you might be thinking: if it’s my favourite pair shall i risk it? Well maybe you have an old pair you haven’t worn in a while that you can practise on.. or you might be nothing like me and have a wardrobe full of your lifetime in denim! (denim hoarder alert! ). No excuses though, if you are hesitating, drop to your closest second hand shop and get a worn pair to practise..1990s is back so grab a high wasted mums jeans. I have had a few of you requesting how to hand embroider on Denim, and i think this round up i a great way to get a little inspiration to start with..because you are probably just like me, you like to make or customise your own clothing, but sometimes you just don’t know how and where to look for inspiration. Next Week’s Blog would be one with step by step instructions on how to Stitch a beautiful design, so be patient with me! If you have more ideas about what you would like to learn to stitch, drop it below in the comments. So without further due, see below a little round up from the web, of Ideas to Inspire a beautifully unique pair of customised Jeans! 1. FLOWER EMBROIDERY ON DENIM Flower Hand Embroidery is very versatile and if you are a romantic at heart and love some floral on your Jeans you can make this a small project or something big. You can add little flowers with their stems on the hem or big buds cluttered together, the options are really endless! 2. EDGE STITCH EMBROIDERY This is a cute, fast and easy way to customise your denim. No fuss, get some thread and add a bit of colour to the pocket or the side seam, ready steady GO! 3. LETTERING ON DENIM Lettering has become very popular this year and you can see it both in fashion, home decor and papergoods. These two ideas are super fun and make a modern style on your Jacket or Jeans. Image from HonestlyWTF 4. APPLIQUE Aplique can be a quick and fun way to add some colour and texture to your Jeans. Here SewOverIt has used a gorgeous flower print and some beads to customise this pair of shorts, you can do this on your long jeans on any area you like. 5. SASHIKO EMBROIDERY ON DENIM Sashiko is a beautiful technique from Japan, using a running stitch with a single colour of yarn throughout the design, most of the time white on blue. For those of you that like this minimal look you can use this stitch to mend your jeans and add some patterns. The second image is actually machine stitch, so not sashiko but it’s also a great way to quickly mend and customise your favourite pair. 6. BEADING Are you a beader? Beading can be a little labor intensive when you add a bead at a time, the glam and shine you get with them it’s totally worth it though! This pair from Anthropologie is trully gorgeous and an inspiration. You start at the bottom with lots of beads together on the hem and slowly you scatter them. Might be a great weekend diy i think! 7. PAINTING You all know painting is my favourite way to create a background before embroidery and that i like mixing the two techniques. Here you can see the idea of creating different designs by painting on your Jeans.. i would go even further and stitch some detail on top! Make sure you use fabric paint and you iron them to fix it before embroidering and washing. 8. CUTE ANIMAL EMBROIDERY This last idea i found online it’s for you girls that like a bit of cuteness in your life:) Those cats on this pair HERE are just adorable and can be re-cr
eated quite easily i think! You could use only a stitch or two and even paint in some of the design. Happy making! Let me know what you like most!
Embroidery stitches

Clothes On An Even Keel original Embroidered Pocket Skirt. This is an original handmade and hand embroidered item. Made from a pair of scrap denim jeans and secondhand embroidery floss- the only new material used was some thread! These were originally a pair of 100% cotton jeans by Liz Claiborne. Skirt has 30\
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Animals Naturally Painted By God Animals Naturally Painted By God